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Sunshine in a sachet: the smart way to get your Vitamin D

Great tasting, on-the-go Vitamin D3 to aid your immune system, muscles and bones. A sure-fire and delicious way to meet your NHS-recommended daily Vitamin D3 quota

Vitamin D Zooki is a vegan vitamin D supplement which is an incredibly easy and effective way of adding a high quality Vitamin D3 to your daily routine. Each sachet contains 3000IU of vegan Vitamin D3 and 100UG of Vitamin K2. Vitamin D Zooki is made using 100% natural ingredients, and with the addition of natural strawberry and blueberry extracts, can easily be enjoyed straight from the sachet or added to yoghurt, smoothies, porridge, shakes & more. Unlike most Vitamin D3 supplements, Vitamin D Zooki contains Vitamin D3 sourced from a type of algae called Lichen (rather than sheep's wool) making it vegan friendly. 

Benefits of  Vitamin D3 + K2

  • Support the immune system
  • Help build strong bones and teeth
  • Aid calcium absorption and at the same time prevent calcium from depositing into soft tissues
  • Improve muscle function

Who should use Vitamin D3 + K2

  • Those wishing to prevent osteoporosis
  • Menopausal and post-menopausal women wishing to maintain healthy bones
  • Those who do not get sun exposure or don’t spend much time outdoors
  • Those suffering from general fatigue
  • People with a compromised immune system

20 x 15 ml

Ingredienti Purified Water, Sunflower Oil containing Phosphatidylcholine, Natural Vegetable Glycerin (Coconut derived), Xylitol (Natural Sweetener), Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3 from Lichen), Vitamin K2 (as Menaquinone-7), Vitamin E (as D-Alpha Tocopherol), Citric Acid, Blueberry and Strawberry Extracts (Natural Flavours). We use Vegan friendly Vitamin D sourced from Lichen algae.
Utilisation Allergènes: Voir les ingrédients indiqués en gras. Mode l'empoli: Prenez un sachet par jour. Mélangez ave de l'eau ou prenez directement à partir du sachet. | Avertissements: ne dépassez pas la dose journalière indiquée. Si vous êtes enceinte ou avez un problème de santé, consultez un professionnel de la santé avant de le consommer. À conserver hors de portée des enfants. Il s'agit d'un complément alimentare et il ne doit donc pas être utilisé comme substitut à une alimentation variée. I Conservation: dans un endroit frais et sec à l'abri du soleil. Ne pas congeler. Vous pouvez le cónserver au réfrigérateur si vous préférez le goût froid.


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